The garden began in 1992 in a weedy trash-filled vacant lot along 9th street between Lami and Barton. It was once a block of houses that was demolished and leveled in 1974. Basically the houses were buried in their basements. It is amazing what we hit sometimes when we dig.
Originally the garden started with 8 personal beds and 4 community beds. Water was accessed from a water hydrant. I can’t imagine the difficulty watering in the beginning. The expansion of water in to the garden has helped its growth. We now have 26 personal beds and many community areas to grow produce to for members to share.
In 2005 we joined a land trust through the Land Reutilization Authority. Since Soulard has become a neighborhood for new development, joining the land trust has simplified legal issues and protects the garden from developers. Looking at the new projects in the neighborhood, I’m glad we did.
We welcome our neighbors to walk through and see what is growing. We hope that Garden Tour visitors will also stop by to see an active urban farm at work. Please be respectful and do not harvest what you have not planted. It is for members only.
Food Donation Program